Thursday, July 5, 2012

Our 4th of July

I thought I would share a day in our house with you.
There's only ~37 pictures.

From some reason, neither boy could sleep well, meaning I did not sleep very well. 8am found me bleary eyed and clearly incapable of focusing.

Spain is clearly a morning person.

Rough nights apparently have no effect on Alex.

I am not quite functioning yet, but the Entourage starts demanding food. 
We've started canning. Counter space is now prime real estate.

Red white and blue porridge. Since we're celebrating independence day and all.

Breakfast has boosted morale! 

Time to move on to more adventures.
Like laundry.

In the spirit of honesty, I will confess that I haven't properly done laundry in almost a month. I'd been throwing it into our papasan chair and digging things out as needed. But I've decided that I can longer handle that. LAUNDRY MUST BE TACKLED!

My magnum opus.

The boys started playing in the living room, so I snuck off to work on my Sunday school lesson for this week. A few minutes in however, my temple of solitude is discovered.

And rebel forces invade the camp.

The big one joins us and we read about the adventures of Toot & Puddle.

Which leads to updating the reading logs.

Then I stumble upon...

The boys' Magnum opus

I can see the newspaper headline now:
"Mean mom makes boys clean up toys"

The night before I made a gigantic batch of pasta sauce. I finish blending it up and get it ready to freeze.
Of course we have pasta for lunch!

Followed by:

Nap time for the little one!

Quiet playing time for the big one!

Kitchen cleaning time for the Mama..... oh man!

Chilled coffee is needed. 
(With coffee, maple syrup and almond milk, I feel like I can conquer anything!)

Some tunes.

So THAT'S what a clean kitchen looks like.

The big one has a Skype date with his papa. I really wanted to crash it, but they haven't gotten to have a conversation by themselves in ~7 months. I'll know I'll have my chance later.

Preparing more coffee

The boys read tiny books, while I change out of my pj's.

I'll just pretend it's not 4pm.

Get ready for church. I'm bringing veggie burgers for the little one and me. 
The big one is stoked about eating real MEAT!


There is much hula-hooping.

Both inside and outside.

The adults can't be left out.

The little one and I hit up the moon bounce!

After dinner and festivities, I load the boys up and we head home. It won't be dark until after bedtime, so no fireworks for us this year.

Bedtime fruit snacks


and some bedtime stories.

The little one does not want to give up easily.

So I pull out my secret weapon. 

The boys sleep leaving me free to have a texting date with Sweet Husband until bedtime. 

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